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It happens every year. The days get shorter. The temperature drops. And cold weather chills our very bones. Even though we know exactly when to expect winter, it seems to surprise us every year—maybe we’re willfully ignorant.

Change up your routine this year. Don’t let the cold weather keep you from having fun. There are plenty of fun indoor activities seniors can do during the cold winter months.

Why Should Seniors Participate in Activities in the Winter?

It’s hard for everyone to stay active during the colder months. But it’s even worse for seniors, especially those with limited mobility. Activities are great for keeping busy when you can’t go outside, but there’s so much more to it.

Seniors should participate in fun indoor activities in the winter to keep a sharp mind, improve their heart health, and better their mood. Plus, an active lifestyle in the winter means an active lifestyle in the spring and summer. And when seniors are active all year round, they’ll live longer, healthier lives.

Ten Activities for Seniors

Staying busy and having fun during the winter doesn’t need to be hard. In fact, it’s not with the right plan and a few friends. Whether your senior is living in a senior living community or at home, here are our recommendations for healthy activities they can do during the winter.

1. Book Club

Finding a group of people who love to read is the first step towards starting a book club. Best part is the group can meet regularly at a community or online and share their thoughts.

2. Painting

A picture is worth a thousand words. Help a senior get their creativity out with a beautiful painting of a sunset or their favorite pet.

3. Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are great for helping a senior’s attention span and creativity. Help them find their favorite genres, like sports, politics, murder mysteries, or personal development.

4. Cards and Board Games

Cards and board games are a great way to bring people together and keep their mind sharp. We recommend Settlers of Catan, 42 (a domino game), and solitaire.

5. Watch Old Movies

Nothing brings back old memories like watching movies from your childhood.

6. Exercise

Exercise, solo or group, is a great way to get the blood flowing and muscle toned for a long, happy life.

7. Yoga

Yoga helps relieve stress, increases flexibility, and improves your mood—win-win-win for seniors!

8. Swimming

Need to take it easy on the joints? Try exercising in a pool or swimming.

9. Cooking

Cooking good food is a great way to maintain hand-eye coordination, memory, and a full belly!

10. Indoor Gardening

Get the herbs and small produce you need for cooking from an easy indoor garden.

What Will You Do This Winter?

Now is the perfect time to get productive and healthy. Any of these indoor activities are sure to bring a smile and some lasting memories.

Did we miss an activity you love? Share it with us!