Gardening 101: Easy-to-Maintain Plants for Seniors

Tending a garden is just as much a reward for the heart as it is for the stomach. Eating food from your backyard fills you with pride and excitement. And the best part about gardening is that anyone can do it! Here’s what you need to know to start and maintain your garden and a list of easy-to-maintain plants.

Setting Up Your Garden

Before you start hopping along and planting everything you’ve ever wanted in your garden, here are a few things every senior should do to set their garden up for success.

  1. Location, location, location: The location of your garden is the first criterion for success. Plants need lots of sunlight to fully grow, so keep track of which part of your yard gets the most sun. The last thing you want is to plant tomatoes in the shade!
  2. Good things come in small packages: If this is the first time you’re gardening, start small. Find a few pots or planters to grow your first garden. Starting with a small garden builds your confidence over the years and is easier to maintain.
  3. Keep water nearby: When you pick out your location for your garden, check to see how far it is from your water supply. It may not seem like a big deal when it’s 60℉ outside to carry water to and from your garden hose, but once it’s 90℉, the situation becomes a lot more dangerous and tiresome. If the garden hose can’t reach on its own, consider an extension or moving your garden closer to the hose.

Three Types of Plants for Seniors to Grow in Their Garden

With thousands of options available, what should you grow in your garden? Do you want to eat fruits and vegetables or go to a flower garden? If you’re limited on space, should you grow vertically?

Regardless of what you choose and your situation, here are three types of plants you can grow in your garden that are easy to maintain.

1.   Herbs

No matter how much space you have, herbs are easy to grow, don’t require a lot of room, and smell wonderful. Plus, the options are endless. We highly recommend you grow herbs and spices you typically eat and cook with to save precious space.

2.   Flowers

A flower garden is less effort than growing produce, and it’s just as beautiful! Consider annuals, perennials, and leafy vines to add character and charm to your garden during the year.

3.   Vines and Bushes

Make the most of limited gardening space by growing vines and bushy plants in a vertical garden. You can grow peas, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even some melons (with some extra support) in a vertical garden.

Make the Most of Your Garden

Gardening might seem overwhelming at first, but with the right setup, you and your garden can thrive this year. Spend some time setting your garden up for success with the right location, water supply, and plant selection. Happy gardening, friends!

Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors: Refreshing Your Space

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so you know what that means… early spring! Or at least that’s what we’ve been told. Whether or not you believe the world-famous groundhog, spring will definitely arrive, so it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning!

Although it can be a bit of work, spring cleaning is a great time to declutter and get some movement after being cooped up all winter. Here are some practical tips for seniors to follow over the next few weeks.

1. Make a List (And Check It Twice)

Spring cleaning can be overwhelming, especially for seniors. Start by making a list of every room they need to clean. Then, write down what needs to happen in each room. It might look like this:


  • Vacuum
  • Wipe down dresser and mirror
  • Clean blinds
  • Clean ceiling fan
  • Change blanket/quilt/duvet/comforter


  • Sweep/mop floors
  • Wipe counters and mirror
  • Clean toilet
  • Clean tub
  • Restock garbage bags


  • Wipe counters
  • Clean appliances
  • Clean out cabinets
  • Get rid of unused kitchen tools and appliances

Once your senior has a list made, they can start cleaning! Remember, a list is supposed to guide them, not overwhelm them or stress them out. It doesn’t have to all get done in one weekend.

2. Declutter with Purpose

Decluttering can be exhausting—physically and emotionally. They may have to get rid of things that have a story and bring back memories. Let them take their time to avoid exhaustion.

As your senior starts to declutter, it’s best to have a system to help them stay on top of things. There are a lot of cleaning hacks out there, but a tried and true one is to categorize things by the last time they used it.

Haven’t used a set of mixing bowls because they prefer another set? Get rid of the first one!

Haven’t worn a shirt or pants in 6-8 months? Donate it or try to resell it!

Take this opportunity to declutter their belongings. Start with items they no longer use or need. Consider donating, recycling, or disposing of them responsibly.

3. Get Some Help

Cleaning a home is a tall task for anyone, especially seniors. The last thing any elderly person should do is attempt to clean by themselves. There’s just too much risk when you account for slipping, navigating around obstacles, and climbing ladders to clean hard-to-reach places.

That’s why it’s time for children and grandchildren to help out. And if the family isn’t nearby, see if some neighbors or people from church and the community center can help. There are also some great companies that can assist with decluttering and/or cleaning.

Happy Cleaning!

Spring cleaning is a great way to start the year fresh and create some space. And for seniors, it can really help them set the tone for the year and start on a high note. It’s an opportunity to refresh their living spaces and promote a sense of well-being. Give these tips a try in the coming weeks.

Heart-Healthy Recipes: A Guide for Seniors

February is American Heart Month, a time when the American Heart Association designated a time of year for everyone to pay attention to their hearts and cardiovascular health.

Heart-healthy recipes don’t have to break the bank or be hard to cook. Here are some of our tips for finding foods that promote heart health and favorite recipes that every senior can cook and enjoy.

Understanding Heart-Healthy Eating

While there isn’t anything wrong with the occasional treat, we want our diets to mainly consist of foods that nourish our bodies and taste good.

Here are some simple pointers to eating a heart-healthy diet:

  • Variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Lean meats, like poultry and seafood
  • Minimally processed foods
  • Minimal sugar
  • Minimal salt

A healthy diet is the foundation of a long life and healthy golden years. Seniors, even those with accessibility issues, can find unique ways to get the healthy food they need.

Whether your senior shops at Walmart, Costco, or their regional grocery store, they can find foods with the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check that lets them know the food they’re looking at is good for their heart.

One of the most important things to remember about heart-healthy eating is to remember that health is a journey, not a destination. Eating one unhealthy food doesn’t erase all your work. It’s about consistency.  

Our Favorite Recipes

Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, there are plenty of heart-healthy options available. Here are some of our favorite recipes to get your senior started on the right foot.

Oatmeal with Fresh Berries

Oatmeal is one of those foods that are incredibly flexible and easy to make. Plus, oats are great for your heart and overall health. They have natural antioxidants, fiber, and minerals that can improve your cholesterol.

Spice up your plain oatmeal with yogurt or cottage cheese, fresh fruit, cinnamon and nutmeg, and different nuts. The options really are endless when you make oatmeal.

Grilled Salmon Salad

Salmon is a great fish that pairs well with a lot of fruits and vegetables. That’s why a salmon salad is a great way to improve heart health in seniors while ensuring they get all the other important vitamins and minerals they need.

Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which has a lot of benefits, including:

  • Improved brain function
  • Decreased risk of cardiovascular problems
  • Joint protection

Baked Chicken with Roasted Vegetables

If you’re looking for a protein that is flexible, easy to make, and gives seniors the nutrients they need, look no further than chicken. This lean protein source is technically a complete protein, which means that it has all 9 essential amino acids.

Try preparing your chicken with roasted vegetables to pull in fiber and other vitamins and minerals for a heart-healthy meal.

What Will You Make?

Heart-healthy foods are good for all of us, but especially for seniors to live the best life they can. Try out these recipes and let us know what you like!

Top 10 Indoor Activities for Seniors to Enjoy During Winter

It happens every year. The days get shorter. The temperature drops. And cold weather chills our very bones. Even though we know exactly when to expect winter, it seems to surprise us every year—maybe we’re willfully ignorant.

Change up your routine this year. Don’t let the cold weather keep you from having fun. There are plenty of fun indoor activities seniors can do during the cold winter months.

Why Should Seniors Participate in Activities in the Winter?

It’s hard for everyone to stay active during the colder months. But it’s even worse for seniors, especially those with limited mobility. Activities are great for keeping busy when you can’t go outside, but there’s so much more to it.

Seniors should participate in fun indoor activities in the winter to keep a sharp mind, improve their heart health, and better their mood. Plus, an active lifestyle in the winter means an active lifestyle in the spring and summer. And when seniors are active all year round, they’ll live longer, healthier lives.

Ten Activities for Seniors

Staying busy and having fun during the winter doesn’t need to be hard. In fact, it’s not with the right plan and a few friends. Whether your senior is living in a senior living community or at home, here are our recommendations for healthy activities they can do during the winter.

1. Book Club

Finding a group of people who love to read is the first step towards starting a book club. Best part is the group can meet regularly at a community or online and share their thoughts.

2. Painting

A picture is worth a thousand words. Help a senior get their creativity out with a beautiful painting of a sunset or their favorite pet.

3. Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are great for helping a senior’s attention span and creativity. Help them find their favorite genres, like sports, politics, murder mysteries, or personal development.

4. Cards and Board Games

Cards and board games are a great way to bring people together and keep their mind sharp. We recommend Settlers of Catan, 42 (a domino game), and solitaire.

5. Watch Old Movies

Nothing brings back old memories like watching movies from your childhood.

6. Exercise

Exercise, solo or group, is a great way to get the blood flowing and muscle toned for a long, happy life.

7. Yoga

Yoga helps relieve stress, increases flexibility, and improves your mood—win-win-win for seniors!

8. Swimming

Need to take it easy on the joints? Try exercising in a pool or swimming.

9. Cooking

Cooking good food is a great way to maintain hand-eye coordination, memory, and a full belly!

10. Indoor Gardening

Get the herbs and small produce you need for cooking from an easy indoor garden.

What Will You Do This Winter?

Now is the perfect time to get productive and healthy. Any of these indoor activities are sure to bring a smile and some lasting memories.

Did we miss an activity you love? Share it with us!

Top 10 Gifts for Your Parents or Grandparents This Holiday Season

What do you get someone who can buy anything they want or need? This question has plagued everyone at some time during the holiday season.

When we want to show our love and appreciation for our friends and family, we often stumble into the holidays trying to figure out what to buy. And as our parents and grandparents age, it doesn’t get easier.

So, let’s bypass the directionless Amazon searches and Googling this holiday season and consider one of these ten gifts for your parents or grandparents this holiday season.

1. Custom Family Portrait:

All parents and grandparents love family photos, especially when it’s everyone together. There’s no shortage of photographers or companies to develop and create your image either.

2. Digital Photo Frame with Pre-loaded Memories:

If a family photo isn’t possible, that’s okay. You can gift a digital photo frame with tons of pictures you already have from your phone. Relive some good times with a digital photo frame.

3. Smart Home Assistant:

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are things that every person does around their home. A smart home assistant is a great way to lighten the load on small tasks, like turning the lights off or setting the thermostat all with the sound of your voice.

4. Subscription to a Meal Kit Service:

Meal kits are a great way to ensure your loved ones get the vitamins and nutrients they need without having to grocery shop on their own. They’ll get easy recipes and fresh ingredients to keep them healthy.

5. Heated Blanket or Throw:

Don’t let your parents or grandparents get caught out in the cold without a heated blanket. Especially in cooler climates, a heated blanket is a great way to stay warm while staying comfortable and relaxed.

6. Customized Jewelry:

Personalized jewelry is a great way to show someone how much you treasure them. With a customized piece of jewelry, you can add birthstones or engraved initials. It’s the perfect sentimental gift.

7. Elderly-Friendly Fitness Tracker:

Health and fitness are so important for everyone, but especially seniors. Gift a fitness tracker that monitors health metrics while being user-friendly.

8. Indoor Herb Garden Kit:

Gardens are a great form of movement, but it can be hard for older folks to get outside and tend to them. Bring the joy of gardening indoors with a compact herb garden kit. They can grow fresh herbs year-round, enhancing the food they cook with their meal kits.

9. Personalized Memory Book:

Think scrapbook but better. And that’s a memory book. Fill your memory book filled with photos, mementos, and heartfelt messages from several family members. This gift is sure to bring a tear to everyone’s eye.

10. Virtual Experience or Class:

Getting out isn’t as easy as it once was for some elderly people, so experiencing new things can be hard. Bring the entertainment to them with a virtual cooking class, a wine-tasting session, or an online concert.

What Will You Get Your Parents or Grandparents This Year?

Don’t fall into the trap of buying a generic gift from a big box store. Get something personal for your loved ones that they will cherish for the rest of their life. Try one of these gifts this holiday season and watch your loved one’s face light up when they open their gift.

8 Ways To Show You’re Thankful To Your Parents Or Grandparents

There’s an old Italian proverb that goes, “If nothing is going well, call your grandmother.” Grandparents are some pretty special people and always know the right thing to say. You can return the favor this holiday season by showing how much you appreciate them.

Host a Grandparents’ Day Out

Nothing shows appreciation and thankfulness like giving your time. Scheduling a grandparent’s day out is more than just treating your loved ones to some fun and food. It’s saying, “I value you and our time together so much that I’m making today about you.”

Create a Family Recipe Book

Your family’s favorite recipes tell a meaningful story. Treasure your family history by making some family recipes together and writing down the recipes in a book that can be shared with everyone. Your grandparents will love cooking with you and knowing that their stories and memories will live on.

Organize a Movie Night

Blankets? Check. Popcorn? Check. Movie night? Check. Set up a cozy movie night at home with your grandparents’ favorite films or classic movies from their younger years. There are so many great movies that a lot of younger people haven’t seen before, so a movie night lets the grandparents relive their childhood and brings the younger generation back in time.

Share Your Achievements

Grandparents love nothing more than to celebrate and encourage their loved ones to continue pursuing their dreams. Whether it’s a talent show, soccer game, or a tour around the house with all the trophies and ribbons, share your achievements, especially those of the grandchildren.

Teach them How to Use New Technology

Technology has changed a lot over the last couple of years. Spend an afternoon helping them get caught up to speed by teaching them how to use smartphones, tablets, or computers, and how to connect with family members through video calls or social media. Once they feel comfortable with newer technology, it’ll be even easier to stay connected and share experiences and memories together.

Write Heartfelt Letters

Texts might be nice because they send super fast and are easy, but a written letter really comes from the heart. A letter requires you to take the time to sit down, think about the person, address the envelope, and pay for the stamp. Writing a heartfelt letter takes a conscientious effort that your grandparents will always appreciate.

Plan a Surprise Family Reunion

Take a note from My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 and plan a surprise family reunion that brings multiple generations together after many years apart. Your grandparents’ faces will light up as they reconnect with distant relatives and share their stories and experiences.

Share Stories

Nothing is more valuable than hearing stories from past generations, especially your own grandparents. Get a deck of conversation cards or look up questions on the internet that prompt conversation and stories. Find the questions that dive deeper. This is even better if you can record or write down these stories to share with future generations.

How Will You Show Your Grandparents You’re Thankful for Them?

We talked about a lot of different ways to show gratitude to your grandparents. The most important thing is to make sure that you pick an activity they will enjoy. Give them your time, energy, and attention, and they will treasure whichever activity you pick.

Senior Friendly Halloween Costumes

Halloween might just be one of the most unique holidays we celebrate as a nation. It’s a time for creativity and fun, while also being a time for horror movies and scary decorations. Whether you prefer the fun, creative side or the horror and scary side of Halloween, there are tons of costume ideas for you, especially if you’re trying to stay under budget.

Here are 4 costume ideas already in your closet or that cost less than $20.

Classic Movie Characters 

Some movie characters stand the test of time. Even when a movie may not be as popular to watch, people know these characters. We’re talking about Dr. Who, Doctor Brown from Back to the Future, Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders, and Johnny Castle from Dirty Dancing. These characters imprinted us with memories to last a lifetime.

You can easily find items for these costumes in your closet or at the nearest thrift stores. You’ll keep your expenses low while adding a touch of nostalgia to your Halloween celebrations.

Garden Gnome

This one’s for all your gardeners out there. No costume is better for a green thumb than a charming garden gnome. This whimsical costume is easy to put together and easy on the wallet. 

Start with a simple red or blue pointed hat (you might already have this). If you don’t have one, you can find one at a craft store or online for a few dollars. Pair it with a white shirt and overalls and voilà, you’ll be the cutest gnome in the garden!

Retro Diner Waitstaff

Halloween is a great time to relive the past and bring back some style. A retro diner waitstaff costume is a great callback to the memories your loved one has with friends and family. After a night out at the roller rink, it only made sense to stop at the local burger joint for a delicious hamburger and fries, so why not bring back those good times with a classy, retro outfit?

You can find affordable aprons and paper hats at a local party supply store or online. Pair them with white button-up shirt and black slacks or a skirt for a complete diner look. Bonus points if you can add a vintage tray and some diner-themed accessories!

Grandparent Costume

Okay, so just hear us out on this one. Some grandparents love being a grandparent so much, they may want to embrace the “senior” theme with humor by dressing up as a stereotypical grandma or grandpa. 

We’re not talking about their normal clothing here. Go raid a closet or thrift store for oversized, vintage clothing, and layer it to create the perfect “old-fashioned” look. Don’t forget the classic props like reading glasses, a cane, and a shawl or cardigan. Have fun exaggerating the senior stereotype this Halloween.

What Will You Be This Halloween?

Halloween is a wonderful opportunity for seniors to join in on the fun and creativity, all without breaking the bank. And a homemade costume is a great opportunity to craft together or go shopping at the local thrift store and laugh about some of your finds. 

So, put on your costume, grab some treats, and let the Halloween spirit fill your senior living community with laughter and joy!

The Advantages of a Senior Living Community vs Owning A Home

When is the right time to move your loved one out of their home and into a senior living community?

How do you avoid feeling guilty for moving your loved one?

Is there a good reason to move a senior from their own home into a senior living community?

If questions like these have been swirling in your mind, you’re not alone. And you’ve come to the right place. You’re in the middle of making a really hard decision: senior living community or home.

Deep down you want to move your loved one, but you need some help knowing why that’s the right choice. In this article, we’ll explore three reasons why a senior living community may be a better option than owning a home.

More Social Opportunities

Living in a senior living community gives your loved one several opportunities to branch out and interact with new people. There are tons of social circles and clubs in senior living communities. Opportunities like these are unprecedented.

If your loved one remains in their own home, they’ll be in a familiar place, but they’ll be isolated. A senior living community will help them acclimate to their new home and give them plenty of opportunities to meet new people. The friendships and relationships with staff will make them happier and healthier.

Maintenance-Free Living

One of the most difficult parts of home ownership as people age is maintenance. What you could do at 40 may not be possible at 65 and that’s okay! 

But as we become less available and capable of significant upkeep, like mowing the lawn, replacing windows, and painting a room, the home can start to look a little dirty in the corners. While a little dirt never hurt, it can serve as a constant reminder that your loved one isn’t capable of cleaning regularly.

This is where a senior living community plays a major role in shifting the perspective. In a community, your loved one doesn’t have to worry about burdensome tasks and deal with constant reminders that they can’t do some things anymore.

Instead, they can let the maintenance crews take care of it while they enjoy their golden years!

Access to Comprehensive Care

One of the major differences between living at home and in a senior living community is the immediate access to comprehensive care. At home, you need to transport your loved one to their appointments.

Since every community is different, it’s important to ask these kinds of questions during your initial visit. Additionally, make sure the communities you visit and live in offer the care you need. There are several levels of care available in each community, and some communities even have amenities like fitness and wellness centers to help seniors. 

Independence Without the Hassle

Here are a few other benefits of living in a senior living community vs. living at home:

  • Meals are provided for you.
  • Light housekeeping is done for you.
  • Hassle-free living — you pay one bill instead of dealing with multiple bills like water, sewage, heat, etc.

Owning a home is great, but there comes a time when it’s too much to maintain. A senior living community gives your loved one the independence they crave without the hassle of maintenance. It’s a win-win for everyone!

When Is the Right Time for Assisted Living?

Every person needs different things. Babies need constant attention. Teenagers need space. Adults need help raising their babies and teens. And seniors need the comfort and safety of an assisted living community.

As a senior living community located in the heart of the Midwest, we understand the unique concerns and considerations of individuals in this region. Let’s talk about the right time for seniors to go into an assisted living community and get the attention they need and the life they deserve.

Maintaining Independence and Quality of Life

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are one of the best indicators of self-sufficiency and independent living. ADLs include tasks such as personal hygiene, meal preparation, medication management, or even navigating the home. When your loved one starts struggling to do these tasks, it may be time to explore assisted living options.

Health and Safety Considerations

Health and safety is no laughing matter. Chronic and painful conditions can limit and isolate a person from healthy interactions and medical care. Especially when seniors live alone, the risks are too great for accidents. Assisted living communities are equipped to provide the necessary support and care to ensure every senior’s safety and well-being.

Loneliness and Social Isolation

Loneliness and social isolation significantly impact seniors’ mental and emotional well-being. If a senior finds themself alone, and craving social interaction and companionship, they may be ready for a change. Senior living communities offer so many different ways to expand a senior’s friend circle and make lasting connections. Enjoying a sense of community is important for overall happiness and quality of life.

Home Maintenance and Upkeep

Homes hold a special place in our hearts. They’re a chest of memories, laughs, and tears. But with all the good comes a lot of work. There comes a time when maintaining a home is too much work and increasingly difficult to manage. Between cleaning, yard work, home repairs, and maintenance, the tasks are overwhelming and stressful. Assisted living communities ease the burden and take care of all those responsibilities so that your loved one can enjoy life and pursue other interests.

Family Caregiver Stress

Before most seniors enter an assisted living community, their family is normally their caregiver. As wonderful and supportive as this is, it’s incredibly stressful for the family caregiver. A caregiver plays a major role in every aspect of life for the senior. And to fulfill those needs, they need to make sacrifices in their own life, which often means spending less time with their own family. This can be physically and emotionally draining. Switching to a senior living community can be just the change everyone involved needs to balance life and get the necessary support and care. 


There’s no time like the present to make a change in your senior’s living situation. We always recommend making the change sooner rather than later so that you can do as much research as possible without feeling rushed. 

This decision is hard. There’s so much involved in making the right choice. But if your loved one is struggling with any of the challenges listed above, the right time to switch to an assisted living community is now.

Stay Cool and Hydrated: The Best Foods to Eat to Stay Hydrated in the Summer Months

Woohoo! Summer is here! With all your fun plans for this hot season, it’s easy to overlook hydration. You don’t want to make that mistake!

It’s essential for seniors to maintain proper hydration levels. While drinking enough water is vital, did you know that certain foods can also contribute to staying hydrated? To help you stay cool and hydrated this summer, let’s explore the best foods for seniors to incorporate into their diet.


Nothing says summer like a juicy slice of watermelon! With its high water content of approximately 92%, watermelon is an excellent choice for seniors to stay hydrated. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this delicious fruit helps replenish fluids and prevent dehydration. Its natural sweetness and refreshing nature make it a perfect snack for seniors in senior living communities.


Cucumbers are a fantastic addition to summer hydration plans. Composed of 96% water, cucumbers are incredibly hydrating and low in calories. They are also rich in vitamins K and C, which support bone health and boost the immune system. Seniors can enjoy the cooling and refreshing crunch of cucumbers as a snack, or water infusion, or incorporate them into their meals to stay hydrated and nourished. Because cucumbers have a neutral flavor with subtle sweetness, they are easy to add to almost any recipe.


Berries, like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, are not only delicious but also packed with water content. These superfoods contain approximately 85-92% water, making them a hydrating option for seniors. Additionally, berries are rich in antioxidants and fiber, promoting heart health and aiding digestion. Seniors can enjoy these delightful treats as a refreshing snack, or add them to yogurt, smoothies, or salads to enhance both flavor and hydration.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, and kale are not only nutritious but also high in water content. These greens typically consist of 90-95% water, making them an excellent choice for seniors in the summer months. Leafy greens are great for salads, sandwiches, and wraps. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and hydration. Seniors in senior living communities can enjoy these versatile greens and their numerous health benefits while keeping their hydration levels in check.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a natural and refreshing beverage that serves as an excellent alternative to sugary drinks. It is packed with electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and magnesium), which help replenish fluids and keep you hydrated. Coconut water is also low in calories and fat-free, making it a healthier choice for seniors. Like water and milk, you can use coconut water as a base for smoothies and mocktails, offering seniors a delicious and hydrating option.

How Will You Stay Hydrated This Summer?

Staying hydrated during the summer months is crucial, especially for seniors in senior living communities. By incorporating hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, berries, leafy greens, and coconut water into their diet, seniors can enjoy delicious and nutritious options that help maintain proper hydration levels, support overall health, and beat the summer heat. Stay cool, healthy, and energized this summer with proper hydration!